What is mental Fitness?

Mental fitness training allows you to build a foundation by strengthening three critical mental muscles to shift the balance of power from your inner Saboteurs (negative thoughts) to your inner Sage (your positive, resourceful self).

Saboteurs are the voices in your head that generate negative emotions in the way you handle life’s everyday challenges. They represent automated patterns in your mind for how to think, feel, and respond. They cause all of your stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, restlessness, and unhappiness. They sabotage your performance, wellbeing, and relationships.

Most attempts at positive change fail because we stop at insight and don’t build habits. Sustained change toward a more positive mind requires laying down neural pathways to form new habits through consistent daily practice—that’s what the mental fitness program design empowers you to do. Learn more about how to build powerful habits for a positive mind!

What do saboteurs have to do with it?

Feeling pain for a split second when your hand touches a hot stove is indeed useful, delivering an important alert. But your Saboteurs figuratively keep your hand on the hot stove, continuing to feel negative emotions which harm both performance and happiness.

Through mental fitness, we learn to use negative emotions as a helpful alert, and then quickly shift to the positive region of the brain that has the calm clarity, objectivity, and creativity to handle the challenge most effectively.

Discover how your stress is entirely generated by your specific Saboteurs — take the Saboteur Assessment! Your investment of eight minutes right now will be the beginning of your tangible insights toward lasting, life-long habits for positive change.

After you complete the Saboteur Assessment, email your results to Coach Amy at hello@sorterasolutions.com and schedule a free Saboteur Discovery Session.


Positive Intelligence for Family LIfe

We live in a complex world, and balancing work and family life isn’t easy. Find out how I coach my clients to apply mental fitness to their relationships — both at home and at work.

Learn more about my Family Workshop Series: to Shift your Family from Frustration to Flowa four-part workshop series is designed for parents and family members to help you go from frustration to flow in your family relationships.

Applying PQ to Family Life

As co-chair for the PQ for Family Life Community of Practice for more than two years and member of the leadership team, Amy has been on the leading edge of helping to bring mental fitness to parents and families. See the following links to videos, workshops, resources led or co-led by Coach Amy and the PQ for Family Life community for a glimpse at the international mental fitness work being done for families: